On September 12, 2020, COER Mae Sarieng and Community Leaders organized Training in Children’s Rights and Responsibilities of Community in Temporary Shelters in order to provide understanding about rules and regulations as well as rights and responsibilities of children and youth. This is to guide youth and children to stay in the temporary shelters together with others peacefully, while following the rules and regulations, according to the principles of the convention on the rights of the child.
On this occasion, COERR have introduced staff and volunteers working for children, focusing on child protection, knowing how to take care of themselves, preventing and reporting abuses; as well as providing child development promotion activities.
Moreover, children and youth also learned that there were also other children organizations that they can have access to the organizations’ services and activities.
This training was held in Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelter in which 195 participants of 129 girls and 66 boys attended, while the training held in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter had 220 participants of 121 girls and 99 boys attended.
